Saturday, August 29, 2015

Community Colleges Outperforming 4-year Universities

Community Colleges Outperforming 4-year Universities  A study from 2015 comparing CC's to 4 year colleges.

Excerpt from the article:

According to several recent studies, students attending community colleges often participate in classroom discussion and experience one-on-one interaction with professors at a much higher rate than university students. Since the student-to-faculty ratio at most community colleges is lower than at most four-year colleges and universities, community college students often spend more time working directly with their professors. In fact, due to the large class sizes at four-year higher education institutions, there are not nearly as many opportunities for students to work directly with or even interact with their professors.

In large public universities, in particular, it is not uncommon for classes to be held in large auditoriums where one professor may lecture several hundred students at a time. Consequently, some university students tend to feel that they’re never able develop a personal relationship with their professor.

In addition, survey results indicate that students at community colleges tend to receive direct feedback from professors at a much higher rate than students attending four-year institutions.

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