Saturday, August 4, 2018

Hot, Arid, Arizona Aquaculture information

Here is some information on aquaculture from the U of Arizona:
Home page of Aquaculture Arizona


+ Aquaculture Teaching, Research, and Extension Activities at the University of Arizona
Information regarding aquaculture courses, including degree program information, faculty research interests, extension activities and documents, and other related information pertaining to aquaculture at the U of A.
+ Arid Lands Fish Production
These are newsletters from the Arizona Aquaculture Association and College of Agriculture. They present basic information on the people, projects and events in Arizona aquaculture.
+ Arizona Aquaculture Association
Information regarding the Arizona Aquaculture Association (Officers, Meetings, Membership, etc).
+ Arizona Fish Farms
This is the list of permitted facilities and transporters from the Arizona Department of Agriculture. It contains the basic information on the licensed farms with their locations, species and contacts.
+ Arizona and other Aquaculture Images
These are photos of aquaculture farms in Arizona, species grown in Arizona, filter systems of interest to farmers, and other images of interest to those interested in aquaculture.
+ American Tilapia Association
Home page for the ATA, devoted to aquaculture of Tilapia.
+ Aquaculture education programs, high schools and Community Colleges
Aquaculture education and aquaculturein the classroom. Also links to FFA aquaculture and other programs.
+ Environmental Research Lab
The ERL Web page is a link to information on aquaculture and other projects conducted by the University of Arizona's ERLab.
+ Links to other Internet aquaculture sites.
Topics include; algae, aquaculture, fish, meetings, tilapia and more.
+ Seafood Health Facts
Maybe the best and most up to date site describing the facts regarding seafood safety and nutritional facts.
+ University of Arizona Aquaculture Faculty and Student Personal Pages
Personal pages and online CVs from faculty and students with interests in aquaculture.
+ World Aquaculture Society
The WAS Web page is another avenue to extensive information on aquaculture around the world.
+ Western Regional Aquaculture Center
Arizona is one of 12 University members of this USDA funded center. Research and extension professionals work with industry members to develop research and extension projects benefitting aquaculture industry in Western states.

Maintained by: Kevin Fitzsimmons -- kevfitz@ag.arizona.eduLast update:Nov, 2012

Link to informative article on Durkee's tilipia operation

and here: