Monday, June 22, 2015

SUP Paddler Circumnavigating Lake Superior

picture via startribune

A UMD student is attempting to be the first person to circumnavigate Lake Superior on his stand up paddle board. The article states he is really making some good progress, and has been averaging thirty miles per day.

 Check out the story here:

Here is a brief excerpt from the article:

His entire circumnavigation will cover about 1,700 miles. On his 14-foot stand-up paddleboard (SUP), Munch carries three large waterproof duffels with food, camping gear and clothing. At St. Ignace Island, he was staying overnight in a cabin with a sauna, but most nights along Ontario's shore he plans to camp.

Check out the progress on the facebook site: "More. A SUPerior Adventure."

Here is the article via the

and an excerpt from the article:

He said he hatched the plan a year ago and has spent the past six months divining possible situations and combing every detail. He's mailing himself supply packages to places along the route. He's got a solar panel charger for his cellphone, GPS and marine radio (for Coast Guard contact in an emergency). He'll paddle close to shore and camp under the stars. On his way to Canada, civilization won't be too far away. He'll be able to pop into a restaurant if the mood strikes.

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