Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cargo Van Sleeper Ideas: DIY and tons of pictures!

Working on the road has its challenges. I have included a bunch of pictures below that show some of my favorite cargo van conversions and DIY sleeper builds.

The first photo is a homemade camper van out of a regular size cargo van. I like the use of lighter wood and built-in accessories. This arrangement would make for great sleeping and cooking options in your cargo van, but would be a bit cramped if traveling with more than two people.  Might work if you had a kid or two, but make sure the weather is nice...wouldn't want to be trapped in this with the kids on a rainy day:

Here is a homemade frame that will move to accommodate freight, four wheelers, or murder cycles.

Here is a very interesting DIY sleeper. Comes with free climate control.

The flip down bunk is a great option for utilizing space for campers or expediters.

Homemade aluminum and nylon folding bunk:

More after the jump:

Vent and Ikea Bed:

Cargo van sleeping across:

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